Thursday, January 30, 2014

So after Christmas I was to go onto and edit pictures that I had already taken. I wanted a little more time to work on this so it could be perfect, which is why I haven't posted anything in awhile. Anyway, once I got used to the website it was really fun. I edited multiple pictures and took my time with each one. On some I brightened the color, and on others I turned them black and white. I also blurred the background more if I wanted to make the subject more of the main focus. So without further ado, I present you my pictures.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lights for the Season

Christmas Lights

The assignment I was given today was to take pictures of lights either outside or inside, so I chose to do both. I Googled it first and saw that someone else took some pictures with slow shutter speed to get the best quality from the lights. So I took pictures with high and low shutter speeds to see if that was accurate, which it was. All of the pictures I took that are listed below have been taken with low or close to it. I also used a tripod because when I didn't the pictures came out blurry from the low shutter speed. I hope you enjoy the Christmas decorations inside and outside of my house.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Depth of Field

So, this week, keeping the Rule of Thirds in mind, I had to take pictures with different types of depth. And, for some reason, I found this assignment more challenging than the others. I couldn't seem to find much inspiration in nature this week, and whenever I did see something that caught my eye, it didn't really have to do with Depth of Field. So I did the best that I could, but still wish I could've done better. Maybe if I find more of an inspiration, everything would look better and I'd be happier. Then I can come back to Depth of Field and try it again.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rule of Thirds

This week I was to practice the Rule of Thirds. I had always seen other photographs take picture to the side or something and thought it was good; and whenever my sister used her iPhone I would see the grid lines and think they were helpful, but I never knew there was a rule. So before I went out and took pictures, I had to Google it, like I do everything. It's actually pretty simple, and you probably all know it, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. It's where you should take a picture with the subject in the squares and the focus of the subject in the intersection of the squares. If the subject is just in the middle, there is no visual interest for the audience, whereas, if it's on a side, it gives the audience something more to look at and more visual interest. So, here are some of my pieces of work, focusing on the Rule of Thirds.
